Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

website terms

Do I need a Lawyer to draft Terms and Conditions for my Website?

It is not necessarily required to have a lawyer create the terms and conditions for your website, but it is strongly advised.

While there are online tools and templates to assist you in creating your terms and conditions, they may not cover all of the legal needs and intricacies unique to your business or sector. An expert lawyer can assist you in tailoring your terms and conditions to meet the particular demands of your company while also ensuring that they comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

They may also assist you with identifying and mitigating possible legal risks linked with your website, such as intellectual property infringement, data privacy concerns, and liability concerns. If you do decide to utilize an online template or tool to design your terms and conditions, you should still get them reviewed by a lawyer before publishing them on your website.

This can assist you in ensuring that your terms and conditions are thorough and legally sound.

In conclusion, while it is not legally essential to employ a lawyer to design your website’s terms and conditions, it is strongly advised that you do so in order to protect yourself and your business from potential legal complications down the line.

What to consider when drafting Website Terms and Conditions

  1. Be detailed and concise: Your website’s terms and conditions should be detailed and clear about what visitors may and cannot do. Language that is vague or unclear can cause uncertainty and misunderstandings, which can lead to legal concerns.
  2. Limit responsibility: It is critical to restrict your liability in your terms and conditions as much as feasible.
    These can contain warranty disclaimers, liability restrictions, and indemnity clauses. However a Lawyer is the one who knows which disclaimers are valid and which responsibilities can be limited.
  3. Comply with all laws and regulations: Check that your terms and conditions are in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, such as data privacy laws, consumer protection legislation, and intellectual property rules.
    Consider hiring a lawyer to draft your website’s terms and conditions, as it’s crucial for protecting your business. As you continue reading, you’ll discover why it’s essential to have legal expertise when creating these policies. Opting for professional assistance can help you avoid potential legal issues and ensure that your terms and conditions comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  4. Intellectual property: Ensure sure your terms and conditions include intellectual property protection, such as trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
  5. Termination and suspension: Clearly state your powers to terminate or suspend user accounts for breaches of your terms and conditions.
  6. Dispute resolution: Add a paragraph outlining the method, jurisdiction and applicable Law for resolving issues between you and your users.
  7. Maintain your terms and conditions:  Reflect changes in laws and regulations, as well as changes in your business operations.

Personal Data Protection €9.000 Fine

If your website use cookies, you must warn users and seek their permission. Cookies are little text files that are saved on a user’s computer or device when they visit a website.

They may be used for a variety of purposes, including tracking user behavior and personalizing website content. Several data privacy rules, like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require website owners to give users with clear and complete information about their cookie use, as well as acquire their consent before installing cookies on their devices.

This implies that you should publish a clear and visible notice on your website explaining how cookies are used and giving users the choice to accept or reject them. Noncompliance with these rules can result in hefty penalties and reputational harm, therefore it’s critical to take this responsibility seriously.

website terms

The Spanish Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (AEPD) imposed a fine of 9,000 euros on a company that, through its website, used non-essential cookies without consent, without an opt-out option and without proper notification via a cookie banner. The fine concerns a website that hosts videos, where cookies that were not technically necessary and were activated directly upon user access.

Some of them even came from third-party providers, such as traffic measurement cookies.

According to the decision, the website did not provide the option to disable all or certain categories of cookies. Instead, it directs users to configure cookies through their browser settings, which an ordinary user cannot do since it requires technical knowledge.

According to the Spanish authority, this option can only be supplementary and not exclusive to the user. The cookie policy also did not contain any information about whether the cookies used came from the company itself or from third-party providers, and when they were activated on end-user devices.

Finally, the website did not have a cookie banner with the necessary information for users. According to the decision, the initial fine amounted to 15,000 euros for violations of articles 6 par. 1 and 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and 22 of the national electronic communications law. The company admitted the violations and proceeded voluntarily to pay the fine, therefore it was reduced to 9,000 euros.​

TIP: Hiring a lawyer to prepare your terms and conditions may assist assure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as safeguard your company from legal concerns and financial fines.

Our Services

  • Website audit and review
  • Terms and Conditions Drafting
  • Terms and Conditions audit and review
  • GDPR policy drafting and review
  • Cookies compliance
  • Update existing Terms and Conditions
  • Defiance against fines from Data Protection Authorities

We suggest that you hire specialist lawyers to create the terms and conditions of your Website to avoid any future problems, which especially if you are a startup company can cause such great damage to your business that it is irreparable. Contact us today and we will start the process in no time.

Website Terms and Conditions: How to protect your website
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