Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

Register your Copyright in Cyprus

Protect your Copyrights in Cyprus

In this article, we will try to explain to you why you need to register your Copyright in Cyprus and how this can benefit you.

The initial right of an original work belongs to its creator, known as copyright. Copyright provides exclusive rights to the creator of the work. But in order to enjoy these rights as the creator or owner and be ready to enforce this rights, you will need to register your copyright in Cyprus, EU or even Worldwide.

Copyright protects a variety of works, including:

  • Scientific works: These are works of a scientific nature, regardless of their value or standard.
  • Literary works: This includes works such as novels, poems, plays, computer software, and more, regardless of their literary value or standard.
  • Musical works: Copyright protects musical works regardless of their musical value or standard.
  • Artistic works: This includes works such as paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculptures, regardless of their artistic value or standard.
  • Cinematography: Copyright protects cinematography films, audiovisual productions, and motion pictures, with or without sound.
  • Databases: These are organized collections of works, data, or independent elements, which are arranged systematically or in a methodological way, often in digital form.
  • Sound recordings: Copyright protects sound recordings, which may include music or other audio content.
  • Radio and television broadcasts: Copyright protects the broadcast of radio and television content.
  • Publishing of previously unpublished works: When copyright expires, the individual who legally published a previously unpublished work becomes the holder of the copyright and is entitled to all intellectual property rights and benefits of the creator.

What exactly is Copyright protecting?

Copyright is a legal concept that gives exclusive rights to the original creator of a work. In Cyprus, the European Union, and most countries, copyright protection is automatic and does not require registration or certification. However, it is still important to understand ways to prove ownership of copyright in case of infringement. For a work to be copyrighted, it must be original and in a tangible, fixed form.

The copyright holder has exclusive rights to reproduce, sell, lease, lend, translate, revise, and present their work to the public. These rights allow creators to have control over their work and profit from its use. As a creator, it’s important to have a basic understanding of copyright and to consult with an experienced lawyer before making decisions about your intellectual property.

Register your Copyright in Cyprus

Exclusive are the rights of the Copyright owner

As the creator of an original work, the copyright holder has exclusive rights over the use and distribution of that work. These rights include the ability to reproduce, advertise, sell, lease, lend, transmit, translate, revise, and present the work to the public.

This gives the copyright holder control over how their work is used and distributed, as well as the ability to profit from its use. It’s important to note that these rights are not absolute, and there are certain exceptions and limitations to copyright law. However, understanding the basic rights of a copyright holder is crucial for creators to protect their intellectual property and prevent infringement.

However, the Copyright can be transferred or licensed from one party to another, and such transfers or licenses must be recorded in writing. This is because copyright is considered movable property. However, a copyright holder may not transfer all rights completely.

For instance, they may choose to transfer the right to reproduce or distribute the work, while retaining the right to create derivative works or adaptations. In addition, transfers of copyright may be limited to a specific period of time or particular region. It’s important for both the copyright holder and the recipient of the transfer to have a clear understanding of the scope and limitations of the transfer to avoid any legal disputes in the future.

Contact us

Our Attorneys have deep experience of Intellectual Property industry and they can help you with the protection of your IP rights and advice you properly on how to benefit from those rights. Consider booking a Free Appointment to discuss about your IP Rights.

Register your Copyright in Cyprus: What you need to know
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