Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

Why Legal Support is Crucial for Startups in Cyprus

Starting a business in Cyprus, or anywhere for that matter, involves a multitude of legal complexities that can significantly impact the success and sustainability of your startup, which answers to “why legal support is crucial for startups in Cyprus”. Navigating these complexities without expert legal guidance can be perilous. This article will explore why having […]

Personal Income Tax in Cyprus: How to optimize taxes

How Individuals are taxed in Cyprus? Individuals who are tax residents in the Republic of Cyprus  are taxed on income earned or derived both within and outside the Republic. An individual who is not a tax resident in the Republic is only taxed on income earned or derived within the Republic. Individuals employed in Cyprus must […]

Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime: Lowest Tax in the EU

What is the Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime? The IP Box Regime (also known as a patent box, innovation box, or IP box) is a corporate tax regime used by many countries to incentivize R&D activities by taxing revenues derived from licenses, royalties, patents, and the sale or transfer of qualified IP assets differently than other commercial revenues. Intellectual property […]

Corporate Tax in Cyprus: How to grow your business

How Companies are taxed in Cyprus? All companies that are tax residents in Cyprus are taxed on any income earned or derived in Cyprus and overseas as a Cyprus Corporate income tax. A non-Cyprus tax resident company is taxed on income accrued or gained from economic activity conducted through a PE in Cyprus, as well […]

Corporate Group Taxation in Cyprus: What you need to know

How group of companies are taxed in Cyprus? Group relief provisions refer to a tax benefit that allows companies in the same group to transfer tax losses from loss-making companies to profitable ones, subject to certain conditions. Essentially, this means that if one company in a group is experiencing financial difficulty, other profitable companies within […]

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