Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

Why Legal Support is Crucial for Startups in Cyprus

Starting a business in Cyprus, or anywhere for that matter, involves a multitude of legal complexities that can significantly impact the success and sustainability of your startup, which answers to “why legal support is crucial for startups in Cyprus”. Navigating these complexities without expert legal guidance can be perilous. This article will explore why having […]

Register your Patent in Cyprus: Take a legal advice

Protecting your Invention in Cyprus Patent in Cyprus is a legal entitlement granted by the government to an inventor or assignee for a limited duration in exchange for revealing an invention. The objective of a patent is to encourage innovation by providing inventors with the sole right to their invention for a specified period, during which they can regulate […]

Register your Trademark in Cyprus: What you need to know

Protect your Trademark in Cyprus A trademark is a unique symbol, phrase, or image that identifies the products or services of a specific producer or enterprise. Once registered, the trademark holder has exclusive rights to prevent others from using the same or similar trademark for similar goods or services. The holder can also prohibit the use of […]

Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime: Lowest Tax in the EU

What is the Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime? The IP Box Regime (also known as a patent box, innovation box, or IP box) is a corporate tax regime used by many countries to incentivize R&D activities by taxing revenues derived from licenses, royalties, patents, and the sale or transfer of qualified IP assets differently than other commercial revenues. Intellectual property […]

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