Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

asylum seekers

In this article, the process followed by the Administrative Court of International Protection regarding the examination of appeals by asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected by the asylum service will be briefly explained.

The first step is to prepare the appeal application, which must state the legal basis on which the application is based, the legal claims of the applicant, and the reason why the applicant believes the rejection decision by the asylum service is wrong. For this reason, it is recommended to find an experienced immigration lawyer to handle your case.

The second step is for the asylum service, represented by the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, to file an Objection to the above application. The objection will include the reasons why the Court should reject the appeal.

The third step is for the Applicant to file a written argument. The written argument is the most important step in the case because it contains the reasons, details, and positions of the applicant, and it analyzes in detail why the rejection decision was wrongfully issued.

The fourth step is for the asylum service to file a written argument, which aims to counter the claims contained in the applicant’s written argument.

The final step is the so-called clarification stage, where the applicant must always be present, whether represented by a lawyer or not, to answer any questions from the Court.

The Court will issue a decision either in favor of or against the applicant after the clarification stage. The losing party will pay the legal and court expenses of the other party.

More info about asylum in Cyprus you can read here.

Contact us today for more information or to start your process.

International Protection Court – Asylum Appeal Process in Cyprus
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