Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

Register your Trademark in Cyprus

Protect your Trademark in Cyprus

A trademark is a unique symbol, phrase, or image that identifies the products or services of a specific producer or enterprise. Once registered, the trademark holder has exclusive rights to prevent others from using the same or similar trademark for similar goods or services. The holder can also prohibit the use of a confusingly similar trademark that may deceive the public, as well as any trademark that takes advantage of the original trademark’s distinctive character or fame. These rights help to protect the trademark owner’s brand identity and prevent unfair competition.

Wondering about the essential elements of a successful trademark registration? One critical aspect is having a distinctive character. To qualify for registration, a trademark must not bear any resemblance to any previously registered trademark, and it should not describe the products or services it is designed to protect. These principles ensure that the trademark is unique and easily recognizable, helping to strengthen its legal protection and brand recognition.

Trademarks and service marks are important for identifying a company’s goods or services. While trademarks indicate goods, service marks indicate services.

Certification marks cover the specific characteristics of a product, such as its composition or origin.

Collective marks, on the other hand, identify a group rather than an individual company, allowing members to benefit from a single trademark.

Unlike patents and copyrights, trademarks do not expire after a set period of time and can be renewed. Your brand is a crucial component of your intellectual property and is integral to the success of your business.

At AVZ Law Office, we understand the significance of trademarks and work closely with clients to develop a customized trademark strategy that meets their specific needs.

Lawyers to Register your Trademark in Cyprus

If you’re considering trademark registration in Cyprus, you may be wondering how long the process takes and what level of protection your trademark will receive. Assuming no issues arise during the application process, trademark registration in Cyprus typically takes 8-10 months from the time the application is filed until the registration certificate is issued. However, it’s worth noting that trademarks registered in Cyprus are only protected within Cyprus jurisdiction.

To gain protection in other countries, trademark holders can apply for registration in each relevant country, or take advantage of Cyprus’ membership in the Madrid Agreement and Protocol to apply for protection in over 60 countries. In Cyprus, trademark registration lasts for 7 years and can be renewed for uninterrupted periods of 14 years, while registration of a Community or international trademark lasts for 10 years and can also be renewed. Additionally, trademark ownership can be changed even after an application for registration has been filed. The process involves filling a new application asking for the transfer of ownership of the Trademark.

The Trademark can also “be rented” by signing a license agreement with a third person, something similar to a Franchise Agreement for example

Register your Trademark in Cyprus

Infringement of your Trademark rights

When a registered trademark is infringed, it means that someone is using it without the owner’s permission or using a similar trademark that can confuse consumers. In general, trademark infringement occurs when an identical trademark is used, or when the products and/or services identified by the trademark are either the same or similar to those of a registered trademark. To be eligible for registration, a trademark must be distinctive and easily distinguishable by consumers, so that they can recognize it as representing a specific product or brand. This is why it’s important for businesses to carefully select and protect their trademarks, as any infringement can have legal and financial consequences.

If you’ve experienced infringement of your intellectual property rights, our lawyers are here to help. We’ll take swift and effective measures to put an end to the violation and seek compensation for any financial losses you may have suffered. Whether it’s trademark infringement, copyright infringement, or any other type of intellectual property violation, our team has the expertise and experience to protect your rights and help you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Protecting your Trademark in Europe and Worldwide

There are two main options to register a trademark in other countries. The first option is to file an application for registration with the Trademarks Office of the European Union. If granted, the trademark is valid in all member states of the EU, and the procedure typically takes 6 months. However, if the application for a trademark registration is unsuccessful in one member state, the failure is applicable in all member states. The second option is to file an application with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for international registration of marks. Before filing an international application, it is necessary to file a national application in the appropriate trademark office. If registration is not accepted or granted by a particular country, the international application can still proceed with the remaining countries selected in the application.

Cyprus Trademark Registration Costs and Services

The starting price for Trademark Registration in Cyprus is 1100 euro + VAT (19%) and it includes:

  • Preparing and Filling Applications
  • Research about the Trademark in EU level
  • Prepare Trademark explanatory documents
  • Trademark Valuation
  • International Tax Planning
  • Licensing Agreements
  • Trademark ownership transfer
Register your Trademark in Cyprus: What you need to know
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