Anastasopoulou LLC

Boutique Law Firm

Title deed of property in Cyprus

Get the Final Approval from Cyprus Urban Planning Authority

In our country, the real estate sector has experienced significant growth in recent years, leading to the construction of large-scale projects. Whether you’re a seasoned buyer or a newcomer to the market, it’s important to understand that obtaining a separate and independent title deed (registration certificate) for a property transfer requires the issuance of an approval certificate or final approval certificate from the Competent Urban Planning Authority.

Most property buyers in Cyprus do not have a Title Deed in their hands, but rather a sales agreement deposited in the Land Registry. While they expect the Land Registry to issue them with the Title Deed, they ignore the licensing process.

Title deed and the Final Approval

In our country, the real estate sector has experienced significant growth in recent years, leading to the construction of large-scale projects. Whether you’re a seasoned buyer or a newcomer to the market, it’s important to understand that obtaining a separate title (registration certificate) for a property transfer requires the issuance of an approval certificate or final approval certificate from the Competent Urban Planning Authority.

Most property buyers in Cyprus do not have a Title Deed in their hands, but rather a sales agreement deposited in the Land Registry. While they expect the Land Registry to issue them with the Title Deed, they ignore the licensing process.

Title deed of property in Cyprus

Three types of Approval Certificates:

The Streets and Buildings Regulation Law (Chapter 96) outlines three types of approval certificates that may be issued.

  1. The first type is a Clear Approval Certificate without notes, which is granted by the competent authority if the works have been completed according to the permit.
  2. The second type is an Approval Certificate for unauthorized works, which is issued if the competent authority determines that significant works have been carried out beyond the property boundaries or have impacted neighboring properties, public safety, or public health.
  3. The third type is an Approval Certificate with notes, which highlights the parts of the building that do not comply with the permit and is sent to the relevant District Land Registry Officer for registration of irregularity notes on the updated title of ownership.

Property Title Deed in Cyprus

To register a building in the Property Title, you must have the Final Approval Certificate which also includes notes recorded in the updated Property Title. If there is a vertical or horizontal separation, the process is as follows:

  • Obtain the final approval certificate for the entire building and use it to request registration in the Property Title.
  • However, since separation will occur, you should initiate the process simultaneously. This means requesting registration of each resulting unit and issuance of separate titles.
  • Finally, submit the necessary documents to the land registry.

AVZ Law Office Cyprus

Contact our Law Office for efficient handling of the necessary procedures to obtain final approvals and register your property with the title deed. When we can do for you:

  • Collect necessary documents
  • Paperwork and Applications
  • Obtain Final Approval Certificate
  • Register the property with the Title Deed
Title Deed and Final Approval: What you need to know

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